MLL-Workshop: Remembrance and Future Building
How we teach children in a multicultural setting about War and Shoa
The remaining (survivors) are old and soon will not be with us anymore. How is it then possible to remember the Shoa with children and young people? What is there to learn about it and how can we stay authentic? What kind of relevance has the Jewish experience for us in Europe today? Young people are the future of the world. We are building a future oriented society as responsible people intergenerational! How are we going to deal with each other in the near future?
HERE COMES “CHIKA, the dog from the GHETTO”
(A true story after the childrens book of Batsheva Dagan)
Synopsis: Chika the dog and five-year old Mikash are the heroes of this story which is set in a Jewish ghetto under Nazi-occupation in an unnamed Polish town. The little dog Chika helps Mikash to survive despite the persecution of the Jews. During World War II it was forbidden for Jews to keep their pets. One day the official orders decreed that Jews have to give away all dogs. Mikash refuses to obey. His parents help him to save Chika. Mikash’s father hides the dog outside the ghetto with a non-Jewish friend. One day a soldier knocks on the door of the families’ apartment and commands that they had to gather with all the others for deportation. Father, mother and child hide in the cellar. Hoping to meet Chika once again Mikash overcomes the hard times in the hideout. At the (happy)-ending Mikash and Chika are freed and reunited. The war is over – Mikash, his parents and Chika survived!
Seminar/Workshop with Frank Scheerer & colleagues
The seminar will feature the child-oriented animated movie “Chika, the dog from the ghetto” about a ghetto situation of a family during the shoa. The movie is fairly new and opens didactical strategies how to work with a) Kids with or b) without a migrational background, c) with refugee children + d) with Jewish, Muslim, Christian and secular kids as well as with e) kids with little English /German on an intercultural+ inclusive basis. The movie helps children today to cope with their own experiences of perpetration, war, loss and death. ‘Chika‘ encourages them to resist brutalalities and discrimination and gives children more self-esteem. It is important that youngsters are able to deal with one another respectfully. Competetive pedagogues are able to break down the barriers of prejudice.